Want to be part of an Experiment?

A Tale of Rum Town is a book I’ve written and published on Kindle. I’m running an experiment with Amazon’s algorithms but I need some help. If you’ve got a spare 2 minutes go to my Kindle book page for A Tale of Rum Town and add some tags. Put in whatever you think appropriate and any, or all, of these tags:

low magic

less than epic

criminal fantasy

fantasy adventure


Tell your friends to jump on and add tags. I’d like to see how many tags can be added in a week.


Want to be part of an Experiment?

A Tale of Rum Town: Easter coupon special

A Tale of Rum Town on Smashwords has an Easter coupon special. Get it for under a buck at US$0.99 if you enter the coupon code: LX53J


It is only valid until late April so get in quick to get a tale of the gritty underworld of a fantasy big city for a good Easter read.



A Tale of Rum Town: Easter coupon special